
Alice Walker 's Beauty : When The Other Dancer Is The Self

Decent Essays

There a multiple things that can make an effective narrative essay, this can include interesting and consistent dialogue, attention to details, particularly sensory details, and the story in which the author decided to write about. These are all things that help Alice Walker’s Beauty: When the Other Dancer is the Self become an effective narrative essay. As with anything though, there are things that could have been improved such as the amount of things she attempted to talk about and how long it took to explain the point of the paper. Her sentence lengths also work to keep a readers interest, by using longer ones more often the shorter ones, which happens to be some of the most important lines in terms of explaining where the story is going, stand out more. One of these lines include “But then, one day, it ended,” which is the final line of the second story she tells, hooking the reader and making them wonder what it was that happens after the lightheartedness she opened with. Narrative essays are essentially just a short story that happens to have a personal connection to the author, this means that adding in little details that otherwise would take away from what the author is saying in fact add to the efficiency of the writing. This is something Alice Walker does well thanks to her attention to detail within the story, which helps to make the story she is telling feel more realistic and whole making it easier to imagine what is happening visually. This is shown when

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