
Rhetorical Analysis Of Coming Home Again

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Nearly any and all people can relate to the noisy clanging and banging that erupts from the kitchen as family members work to prepare food. This process has always been and forever will be a connective means that has brought many families together. In his short story “Coming Home Again”, Lee taught his readers that the most important life lesson is to cherish time with family by using multiple rhetorical devices.
Within the short story, Lee the precedence of family time by focusing on a large primary audience. The main audience consisted of all those children who at some point leave their family to attend boarding school. Here, Lee used his mother’s question that “if given a choice, would [Lee] go to Exeter again” (Lee 125). This allowed that large primary audience to ponder what their family thought when they left for boarding school. On top of this, Lee also included a secondary audience. This secondary group consisted of each individual who has left their family to attend college and every family that has watched their son or daughter leave to attend a university. After dropping off a child, many parents are …show more content…

At the very beginning of the story, Lee spoke of cooking while his mother was ill. During this portion, he used syntax that was quite broken and choppy. This helped to set a feeling of uneasiness for the reader. Like a broken record that keeps skipping, Lee could never really find his feet. To exemplify this, Lee stated that he also worked on “a dismal failure of a novel” at the time (Lee 121). In contrast, while he discussed his mother’s great skill at playing basketball, Lee used much longer sentences that flowed much more smoothly. This helped to set a tone of comfort, to exemplify the happiness found in Lee’s past. Through the ups and downs of this story, Lee was able to control and carry his audience emotionally through differing tones in

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