
Alistair Macleod- Modern World Versus Traditional World Essay

Decent Essays

Modern World versus Traditional World

The stories from Alistair Macleod’s The Lost Salt Gift of Blood are often related to the lives of the people of the Maritimes who are commonly miners, fishermen and farmers. The author repeatedly examines similar themes and issues in his short stories such as isolation, choices versus consequences and the concept of dying culture. However, the most prominent theme deals with the contrast between the rural ways of life and the more modern city life. This theme is not only limited to the Maritime culture; it is something that can be universally understood. His reason for utilizing this theme is to prove that the modern way of life is not always better then the traditional ways. Alistair Macleod …show more content…

This shows the difference between their lives in Montreal versus Cape Breton. Frequently throughout Macleod’s stories he presents a conflict between modernity and the traditional way of life.

The concept of the traditional world versus the modern world is a global phenomenon which is not limited to the Maritime Provinces. In the world there are a multitude of cultures. Within any culture there are deep rooted traditions that affect the way people view education, entertainment, and jobs. However, due to the advances throughout the world a conflict between modernity and the traditional world has arose. Throughout Alistair Macleod’s The Lost Salt Gift of Blood collection, his stories portray this conflict in a Maritime setting and mostly represent the conflict between the traditional world and the modern world. “The Golden Gift of Grey” deals with the same theme; however, it is set within Northern America. Throughout the story there are examples proving the more traditional ways of life such as, “They did not know the aching loneliness of which it spoke and when it floated from the windows of the house on warm summer nights it branded their parents indelibly as hillbillies and they themselves as well.” (Macleod 93) This is a great point, showing that not only can this theme be prone to the Maritimes but allows readers to consider that the theme is universally distributed.

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