
All Fur Motif

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Written by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, “All Fur” is essentially a tale about a young woman’s efforts to escape her incestuous father. Of the many seemingly impossible tasks the girl demands her father to accomplish, obtaining a cloak made from a thousand animal furs appears to be the most unlikely. However, the king is able to present his daughter with this cloak, thereby creating the motif of disguise. Originally a means for escaping her wicked father, the fur cloak becomes a means for All Fur to escape her identity, effectively representing a chosen buffer between herself and the sexual desires of men. This hideous, repulsive disguise ironically leads All Fur to achieving the attractive state of being free from the patriarchy.
Prior to receiving the …show more content…

She is no longer a beautiful girl with dresses and jewels to match. Instead, the princess is referred to as “furry creature” (Grimm 48). All Fur has declined in status once again by earning the title of creature. The word has a simple definition: “an animal, distinct from a human being.” All Fur has descended from otherworldly princess to a repulsive human to a being separated from humans altogether. Her furry appearance coupled with her new nickname create an identity of invisibility, an identity that ensures she will never be noticed by a man in any sexual manner.
All Fur’s attendance at the first ball was widely noticed and appreciated due to the loss of her disguise. Immediately after removing her fur cloak, All Fur is described by the king as “nothing less than a royal princess” (Grimm 48). Recognizing the effects of her true identity, All Fur disappears in order to assume her safe, invisible identity. She “runs” back to her tiny closet and undresses “quickly,” both words signifying a certain amount of haste and desperation to return to being an unnoticeable furry

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