
All Things Dying

Decent Essays

All Things Ginger: Are Traditions Lost?

“And I had but one penny in the world. Thou could’st have it to buy gingerbread.” – William Shakespeare
An Armenian monk introduce the gingerbread to the European countries . He taught the art of baking to the French Christians. The Brothers Grimm wrote the fairy tale Hansel and Gretel; a story about a boy and girl lost in the woods and finding a magical house. A house made of sweet bread and decorated with candy. It was a gingerbread house.
The gingerbread was baked throughout Europe. Queen Elizabeth I used it to make decorated treats for her royal guest. It was during this time that the German immigrants brought the tradition to America.
The gingerbread house and gingerbread man became a Christmas tradition that is still being celebrated. It is used to bring families together in the comfort and warmth of their home. The smell of ginger and cloves, …show more content…

The smells are disperse throughout the house. The aroma is there hours after the gingerbread has finish baking and the house has been constructed.
Now, the gingerbread house can be purchase in kits. The aroma of fresh baked gingerbread is missing in a lot of homes. The scents of Christmases long ago have been replaced. It has become commercialize. The children no longer gather around to watch the mixing of the batter. They wait for the boxes containing the gingerbread. Will it be a village, houses or train? Will it be a regular gingerbread man or the ninja gingerbread man?
This year in my house we used not one but four kits. The children soon became bored because there wasn’t any extra cookies. The extra cookies are the ones that was accidently broken for them to be able to eat as they decorated their gingerbread house. Therefore, the adults had to finish the project. It was fierce. It was competitive. It wasn’t

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