
Altruism And Empathy-Antitruism Hypothesis

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We witness this behavior every day without fully realizing. From incredible acts of heroism, like the man who jumps in the pool to save the drowning kitten. To simple acts of kindness, like holding the door open for the person behind you. For decades, social scientists have wondered the motive for these type of actions, and if there is even a motive at all. “Pure” altruism is when an individual helps another individual without the expectation of getting something in return. Some scientist believe in the empathy-altruism hypothesis, which states that individuals help others out of genuine concern for their well-being. This belief is naturally occurring, and excludes what you could possibly gain from helping. An example of this would be when …show more content…

In this belief altruistic behaviors occur to help other organisms, at a cost to itself, to better its species. This can be applied to humans, but it is easier to understand in the context of nature. Bats are known to regularly regurgitate blood, and give it to other bats who did not feed that night. This is a selfless act that benefits the bat species, but at the cost of that helpful bat. I believe in empathy-altruism rather than evolutionary based altruism, because from birth and throughout our lives we care about others. This is something that is innate, and present in everyday situations. However, with the exception of loved ones, we typically put our needs first, and are not willing to risk our lives for a stranger just to better mankind. In the middle of the desert, an individual is likely to give a bottle of water to someone who is thirsty, but not if that is their last bottle, and without it they will die or become ill from dehydration. A study conducted by Franziska Stutz and Michelle Crispino, tested levels of empathy in relation to altruism. Participants were randomly divided into three groups, and asked to watch a clip of a nine-year-old orphan from Zambia, who was suffering from the AIDS

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