
Analyzing Lewis Thomas 'Essay Altruism'

Decent Essays

Altruism is an example of an expositional essay. Reasons to support this include the following: the essay talks about altruism and biology in depth, explaining everything, it then provides solid facts about the topic including observations, and it expresses an opinion of the facts/ideas about altruism while bringing issues into light.

In the first two paragraphs Lewis Thomas describes altruism as acts of self sacrifice but in the next paragraph, he specifies altruism is a human behaviour as opposed to any animal or insect’s behaviour. Thomas states that animals don’t have human brains to think things through, in other words, they are mechanical, they just do things without justification and therefore the term “altruism” does not apply to them. Animals don’t have the ability to do things and be concerned about consequences, in other words, they don’t consciously intend to act a certain way, therefore animals have no connection to altruism, for altruism is a human behaviour.

Altruism, despite the fact that a human conduct, needs extraordinary expressions to convey what needs be on all levels of unselfishness, for example, love and regard, since benevolence is regularly mistaken for any benevolent conduct made by living animals, and we should not utilize this general term to depict specific practices and behaviours. …show more content…

Thomas says that survival is the key to success in nature. When we think about the survival of ourselves, it often means we will do anything and everything needed to survive. This may include hurting or killing other animals in order to protect oneself and the irony of this comes in when we think about what we define survival as, and what altruism is defined as. According to the English Dictionary, these terms are exact opposites, yet Thomas uses them cohesively in one

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