
Alzheimer Disease Research Paper

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Alzheimer disease is a type of dementia that causes several problems with memory, thinking, and behavior. It’s also a progressive, and irreversible disease, and the most common form of dementia. It’s a term for memory loss that includes other abilities serious enough to interfere with daily life. This disease accounts for 60 to 80% of dementia cases. Symptoms are developed slowly and get worse over time becoming severe enough to deal with daily tasks. It’s the sixth leading cause of death in the United States. 3- This disease brings a lot of consequences affecting all our body system, in special our head. That’s why the causes of this are: - Alzheimer disease kills and damages brain cells (as brain cells die, Alzheimer leads to significant …show more content…

- Difficulty completing familiar tasks at home (they find really hard to complete daily tasks). - Confusion with time or place (sometimes they can forget where they are and how they got there). - Trouble understanding visual images (It’s hard for them to read and differentiate colors). - Problems with words in speaking (they may start a conversation, and have no idea how to continue). - Misplacing things (they can put things in unusual places). - Decreases or poor judgment (They may use poor judgment when dealing with money, that way they can give large amounts to telemarketers). - Withdrawal from work or social activities (They refuse to go out, they remove themselves from social activities, work). - Changes in mood and personality (they don’t think as they did before, they start feeling anxious, depressed). 5- Treatment: Prevention: -People who have this disease have an early-onset type associated with genetic mutations. They are guaranteed to develop the disease. A trial conducted by the Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer is testing antibodies to beta-amyloid that can reduce the accumulation of beta-amyloid in the brains, and also prevent symptoms. These individuals are receiving antibodies before they develop …show more content…

The DASH diet (Dietary Approaches to stop Hypertension) recommend vegetables, fish, poultry, beans, seeds, nuts, and limits sodium, sweets, and red meats. Symptomatic: - Disease- modifying therapies promise to become available as understanding of the pathophysiological basis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) improves. Disease-modifying therapies require reconsideration of the role of symptomatic agents. Combination therapy with disease-modifying and symptomatic agents will be optimal therapy for patients who have progressed to diagnosable AD. Symptomatic agents also may have a role in delaying the progression to AD in patients with mild cognitive impairment. Specific or curatives: - A chemical called acetylcholine is diminishing in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s disease. It’s one of the many chemicals that nerve cells use to communicate and is a neurotransmitter that plays a critical role in memory and learning

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