
Alzheimer's Disease Brain

Decent Essays

Alzheimer’s disease is a neurodegenerative disease that disrupts a person’s memory, thinking abilities, and behavior. This disease affects three major areas in the brain; the cerebrum, the cerebellum, and the brain stem. As the disease begins to take effect, these parts of the brain become obstructed, and the information that is supposed to be transmitted between neurons is hindered. The information that is responsible for sensory, learning, and memory progressively digress’ in productivity. Alzheimer’s disease causes nerve cell death and tissue loss all around the brain, which reduces the brain’s ability to function at a rapid pace and comprehend basic signals (“Alzheimer’s & Dementia,”n.d.). As parts of the brain begin to deteriorate, normal functions begin to drift away as well.
The cerebrum makes up three quarters of the brain. In the cerebrum, there is the ability to problem solve, move, think and feel (“Alzheimer’s Disease,”n.d.). The cerebrum can be divided into two halves, the right hemisphere and the left hemisphere. Each hemisphere has four lobes, occipital lobe, parietal lobe, temporal lobe, and frontal lobe. Each lobe has specific tasks. For example, the occipital lobe is responsible for visual images. …show more content…

To further look at the root or the causes of dementia, it all comes down to the neuron. There are billions of neurons within the brain, and each of them receives messages through the dendrites or stems of the neuron. As the message is received, it travels through the axon of the neuron to the terminal button (Feldman, 2010). Every neuron is interconnected by the synapse, a microscopic gap between neurons, which enables the message to continue traveling throughout the brain. There are proteins located in and on the neuron that is secreted by enzymes. A large protein called APP is broken down into protein beta-amyloid and Tau

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