
Cerebellum Vs Cerebrum Research Paper

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The cerebrum is the largest portion of the human brain. It takes up about 4/5 of the weight of the brain and has what is described as a wrinkled cortex. Wrinkled cortex increases the surface area of which increases the number of neurons. This makes human brain to be more efficient than other vertebrates ("Cerebrum vs Cerebellum," n.d.). The cerebrum in divided by the cerebral fissure, which separates it into two hemispheres, the left and right which is being further discussed by a fellow classmate. The two hemispheres are connected by the corpus callosum. Both hemispheres can also be divided into four lobes which we know as the frontal, parietal, temporal, and occiptal lobes. The frontal lobe helps aids us with reasoning, speech, movement,

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