
Alzheimers Disease : The Cause And Effects Of Alzheimer's Disease

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Alzheimer’s disease is the most common type of dementia, which is a term used for a decline in mental ability that is so intense it disrupts daily life (What is Alzheimers?, 2017). In Alzheimer's disease, the brain cells degenerate and die, causing a steady decrease in memory and mental function (Staff, 2017). This disease is responsible for sixty to eighty percent of dementia cases (What is Alzheimers?, 2017). Those who are 65 and older take up the majority of people with Alzheimer’s (What is Alzheimers?, 2017). After sixty-five, the risk of Alzheimer's doubles every five years and after eighty-five, the risk reaches nearly 50 percent (What is Alzheimers?, 2017). However, according to the Alzheimer’s Association, “Approximately 200,000 Americans under the age of 65 have younger-onset Alzheimer’s disease”. Experts believe that Alzheimer's occurs as a result of multiple factors rather than any one main cause (What is Alzheimers?, 2017). Although age is the greatest risk factor, gender, genetic inheritance, and health and lifestyle have also been found to increase the risk of Alzheimer’s (Alzheimer's Disease , 2017). The reason is not completely clear, but there are about twice as many women as men over sixty-five with Alzheimer's disease which may be related to the lack of estrogen in women after menopause (Alzheimer's Disease , 2017). In addition to gender, several genes are known to either increase or reduce an individual’s chances of being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s

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