
Alzheimer's Research Paper

Decent Essays

We all forget things once in awhile. Maybe you've forgotten to complete an assignment for class or return an overdue library book. It is a part of life and becomes more common as we get older. In this paper I will share research found to help keep an eye out on reactions in people that may be going through dementia and or alzheimer’s. Knowing the history and facts about Alzheimer’s as well as signs to look for in other people and tips for dealing with this disease can raise awareness and possibly save a life. The history behind the name starts in 1901 in a Psychiatric hospital in Frankfurt, Germany. A patient in her early 50’s named Augusté Deter, displayed signs of memory loss and crazy mood swings. Dr. Alois Alzheimer, the leading Psychiatrist …show more content…

The Cerebral Cortex or “Brain” consist of four lobes, the frontal, temporal, occipital and parietal lobe. The frontal lobe is used for reasoning, planning, parts of speech, movement, emotions, and problem solving. The Temporal lobe has to do with understanding, memory and speech. The Occipital lobe is used for visual processing and the Parietal processes sensory of the 3 T’s, taste, temperature and touch. Alzheimer’s affects the frontal and temporal lobes more than the other two, from personal experience with my grandma, I noticed when she goes through an “episode” she blanks out, when I asked her “what’s my name?” She was hesitant to answer, at that moment she didn’t know who I was, so that would be a memory issue, her speech was slurred, and she displayed confusion and worry. Common signs to look for in other are, signs of memory loss, confusion, difficulty thinking or understanding and delusion such as relating things to a pass time or talk to themselves a lot. When communicating or talking look at their reactions when answered questions, are they aggressive, depressed. Do they repeat themselves, get paranoid or wander off, do they take their medication regularly or have insomnia. These are just some symptoms and signs of Alzheimer’s there …show more content…

Over time the disease get worse and the patient needs more help. It can be an overwhelming experience for everyone, but can also be rewarding. As a “caregiver” you have to understand what the patient is going through such as, memory loss and personality changes. Communicating and understanding and understanding is difficult, people with AD (Alzheimer’s Disease) have trouble finding the right words to speak or even understanding what they’re being asked. When communicating with people that have AD, give them direct eye contact so they know that you’re talking to them and address them by their name. They can sense your behavior, the speaker needs to have a clear, and patient tone and be mindful of your body language, if you look irritated, the person with AD will receive that message as it is being displayed. Another tip is to be Patient, don’t rush them to talk or walk or eat, because they can become just as frustrated as the person they are speaking to. If they are weak, help them stand up or sit up if needed. Let them be independent, it allows them to make their own decisions, but giving them options are helpful, for example asking them if they’re hungry, if they are give them a choice of maybe a soup or a sandwich. Listen to them, give them attention by caring for them show them love, support and

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