
Amazon : The Push Of A Button

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At the Push of a Button Most of the companies offer their services in a store, and in order to attract more customers outside their location they have created websites. Nowadays, there others companies that are just web based, this means that they do not have a physical location in which a customer can go in browse around and buy something from them, and this is the case of Amazon is a web based company that first launched its website in 1995 only to sell books. Jeff Bezos founded Amazon, and he wanted to expand his business as much as possible because he wanted to take advantage of the growing e-commerce, his ultimate goal was to have a store that could have everything and anything a customer would want to order at some point. Amazon headquarters is currently based in Seattle Washington, and since its beginnings the company has transformed the manner people shop online. Amazon is always trying to find new ways to attract more customers without neglecting its current ones. The CEO, Bezos wanted to move fast and in recent years this company joined other industries to offer new services such as movies, music, games, and even food. Thanks to enormous selection of products and various services that the company offers to its customers, Amazon has become the world’s biggest online retailer. The success of the company is because it has developed rapidly, and it continues to expand its product range. Today, we can find an infinite array of products in the Amazon

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