
Ambition In Julius Caesar

Decent Essays

Julius Caesar’s greatest mistake was that he became overly ambitious in his ultimate pursuit of power. The conspirators against his ideals, such as Brutus and Cassius, charged Caesar with such ambition, and his behavior substantiates this judgment: he does vie for absolute power over Rome, reveling in the homage he receives from others and in his conception of himself as a leadership figure that will live on forever through his legacy. However, his unwavering faith in his own permanence eventually proves to be his untimely undoing. Through critical analysis and historical evidence, we’re going to examine Julius Caesar; the man, the leader, the immortal god of Rome in his own eyes. But what’s a god to an unbeliever? Let’s delve into who the …show more content…

In addition, he had a “triumphal dress” made and wore it whenever he pleased to remind the people how successful he had been and still was in conquering those who opposed him. Such acts were used to justify his assassination, painting him as selfish, greedy, and prideful. Caesar also substantially changed tax laws, benefiting families who had many children as a way to advocate population growth and restricted the purchase of certain luxuries. Just one month before his assassination, Caesar was named the dictator for life over Rome in February 44 B.C., which became a motivator for the rebels that plotted his demise to execute their plan.
On the Ides, or the 15th, of March, Julius Caesar was to appear before the Senate for a session that would address issues that required Caesar’s attention. However, as we already know, soon after the session was called to start, the senators involved in the devious scheme, beginning with Casca, drew their weapons and stabbed Caesar well past death, 23 times to be specific. When first dawning upon the realization of what was happening, Caesar reacts with what can only be described as disbelief. The fact that his most loyal officials and supporters would so brazenly betray the head of Rome was certainly preposterous, thought Caesar. He simply failed to recognize the internal instability that had formed when he established his dictatorship over the Roman Republic. Nevertheless,

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