
Ambrose Bierce's An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge

Decent Essays

We read several stories throughout the course of this class. Of all the stories read, “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” by Ambrose Bierce was my favorite. I enjoyed the entire story and was surprised by the ending. I was literally rooting him on during the story; I really wanted him to escape and get back to his family. ON the other hand, the story I liked the least during this course was “A Worn Path” by Eudora Welty. At first, I thought the main character was suffering from Dementia because she couldn’t even remember why she came to town. However, I was saddened to find out the reason she was on such a journey was to get medication for her sick grandchild. While reading all these stories that we either liked or disliked, we also had to list and define words we were not familiar with. I felt it was beneficial for us to define unfamiliar words because in the past I didn’t always take the time to look up the meaning of words I wasn’t familiar with. This was beneficial to me because it helped to broaden my …show more content…

When I read “A Jury of Her Peers” by Susan Glaspel, I thought of two things. First, I wondered how many people were able to get a way with murder back in these times. Were all the men that easily fooled, or were these women just more insightful? I believe it would have been easy for a person to get away with murder. I believe the women were probably very insightful and maybe the men should have asked them for help in figuring out what was happening. The other story that made me wonder about practices performed in the past was in Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery.” How could people be so brutal? Why would they do this sort of thing without questioning the consequences? I believe people in those days did what they were taught to do without question. I don’t believe they wanted to be so brutal; they were just doing what they had been raised up learning to

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