
Ambush By Tim O Brien Summary

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War Changes People (A Discussion of 3 Messages from Ambush) Sometimes the smallest things can be the biggest surprises. Tim O’Brien is an award-winning fiction writer. He wrote a short story, Ambush, about a man, Tim, who has gone to war and ended up throwing a grenade and killing another soldier. He felt very guilty and ever since has always remembered it. “The soldiers also carry stories: stories that connect “the past to the future”...” (Calloway). These stories are never forgotten and will forever be known and thought about. Many events that happen in this story come out surprising to the readers. In Ambush, by Tim O’Brien, there are 3 important messages or big surprises. The biggest and most obvious surprise in Tim O’Brien’s story, Ambush, is when Tim threw the back the grenade, killing the other soldier. This was a big surprise because the man wasn’t into killing people and never really wanted to kill anybody. He was really shocked that he did that and felt guilty afterwards. In Ambush, by Tim O’Brien he says, “There was no thoughts about killing” (O’Brien 812). It was never his goal to kill the guy, but it was his duty and mission as a soldier. Later, his friend then told him that it was a good kill and to think about if the roles were reversed. …show more content…

Especially because she is nine, it makes the question seem like so much more. Then Tim explains, “When she was nine, my daughter Kathleen asked if I had ever killed anyone.” (O’Brien 811). This was a big surprise because most nine year old girls don’t think that far into a question like that. She is young, but able to make the connection that her dad fights in wars and must have at least killed someone. He didn’t know how to respond because he wanted to keep his daughter's mind pure and wanted to wait until she was older and could understand the stories a lot

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