
Amelia Earhart A Pilot In The 1930's

Decent Essays

Amelia Earhart was a pilot in the 1930’s. She was an adventurous child. This led her to be a very independent adult. Amelia loved to fly. She later set out to set several aviation records.
Amelia Earhart was the first woman to fly across the Atlantic. In Atchison, Kansas on July 24, 1897, a girl named Amelia Earhart was born to Amelia and Edwin. As a little girl, Amelia hated traditional gender roles. Amelia spent a lot of her childhood at her grandparent’s house. Amelia loved to play with her sister, Muriel, while she was at her grandparent’s house. When she was 10 years old, Amelia Earhart saw her first plane at a fair. Amelia thought the plane looked awful and not interesting at all. She didn’t know that she would fly across the Atlantic.

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