
Amenhotep 3 Statue

Decent Essays

The statue of Amenhotep III is a work of art that displays the virtues of art from the time period in which he ruled. Amenhotep III ruled from around 1391-1353 BCE, which of course is the era of the New Kingdom in the 18th dynasty. The replica of the statue of Amenhotep III shows a lean, muscular figure who is wearing the triangular skirt most commonly worn by kings. The skirt, which sits just above the ankles, is detailed with deep lines that originate in the bottom right corner and move outward in all directions. These lines are interrupted by a series of squares that begin at the top of the skirt and work toward the bottom, incrementally increasing in size. His feet are well defined, showing realistic aspects in the detail of the long toes and toe nails. The skirt has a very structured, stiff look to it making it seem as though the skirt is immobile. He stands in a staggered stance with his left foot in front of his right at about shoulder width. Amenhotep’s hands extend down past his hips in a relaxed manner and sit quietly on either side. His biceps and chest are well defined, much like the ideal body that …show more content…

Many kings hold a strong right fist in their statues to show their power over the people that they rule, however Amenhotep III bypasses this to put an emphasis on how civilized his kingdom is under his rule. Amenhotep III ruled in a prosperous time, and by showing the two open relaxed hands he is able to reveal that his rule was stable as well. This is also a way of showing that he is subservient to the gods. Holding two open hands is his way of showing that he does not see himself as divine, but rather as a king. There is detail in his arms and hands, however these are the ideal arms of a ruler from the New Kingdom and most likely were representative rather than realistic. The creator was able to use form to convey these ideas to the

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