
America Must Awake from the Nightmare of the Past to the Light of a New Day

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America Must Awake from the Nightmare of the Past to the Light of a New Day

Nostalgia is America's fatal disease. We love to "go back," to talk of the good old days, to wish we could return to an era forever gone. This rhetoric that warms our hearts, though, is, ironically, the impetus for our national self-destruction. Nostalgia valorizes a past that never was, casts a dark shadow of distortion across the present, and prevents us from projecting a viable, sincere vision of a better future. When we, as a nation, say we want to go back to a time past, that's very often what happens, for such talk sends us into a regressive downward spiral that prevents critical social progress in America.

The American political scene is …show more content…

To return to the past, you see, means so much more than the restoration of the family and the Protestant work ethic. A lot of baggage lay beneath the gloss-covered surface of nostalgia-driven value-speak. Inherent within such nostalgia, whose shiny surface makes it so difficult to resist, is a desire to inhibit radical movements for social change in America, movements that have shattered the myth that things were just fine the way they always have been. While this conservative value-speak professes to be on the side of the family and the American work ethic(who doesn't believe in these?), its true political agendas lay in stunting the growth of movements for change, liberation, and freedom for all peoples in this nation and everywhere.

Since the 1960's, radical movements for social change in the United States have sought to expose the fallacies behind the American way of life. As their efforts have shown us, ours is not a nation where all peoples are free, where everyone gets a fair chance and justice presides. In fact, though we as a nation believe firmly in the principles of democracy, we have often failed miserably in making these principles a reality. Social change has thus been about striving for freedom for all peoples in all spheres of life_economic, political, culturally, educationally...the list goes on and on. Behind all of this change is the understanding that, contrary to establishment beliefs,

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