
America 's New World Beginnings

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Chapter 1- New World Beginnings

-The Shaping of North America

. originally Earth had only one super continent, this continent split into several smaller ones, one of which would later be called North America

. as millions of years passed North America’s geography began to change, mountain ranges sprung up, rivers flowed across the vast land, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, the entire continent was changing

. two million years ago an ice age swept across the world, North America was part of it, it transformed and shaped the way North America looks today, as the glaciers began melting 10,000 years ago new lakes and rivers became present, such as the Great Lakes that still remain enormous today

. North America was being shaped by nature, and it would remain the same for centuries

-Peopling the Americas

. the first humans to come to America came by land, the ice age caused the sea level to drop, revealing a land bridge that connected North America and Eurasia

. Asian hunters following animals were the first to step foot on the land of the vast continent

. North and South America became isolated once more as the sea level returned to normal when the ice age passed, this denied the rest of the world entry, until much later when the Europeans would discover the New World

. when Europeans arrived in 1492 in search of the Indies, an estimated 54 million people were already living over the wide spread of the two continents

. during the years of isolation, many tribes

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