
American Anticommunism During the Cold War Essay

Decent Essays

Subsequent to the conclusion of the treacherous Second World War, America prepared itself for a period of peace. This peacetime was short-lived, as America’s tolerance for communism receded this issue became the forefront for American concern. The United States of America, also referred to as the USA or US, regarded communism as a strategic threat due to its hostility to private property and free markets, policies that many Americans associate directly to political freedom.

Throughout the intense period in history identified as the Cold War, America’s attention was, for the most part, politically and economically occupied by the threat of global left wing expansion and methods aimed …show more content…

In his speech to congress on the twelfth of March 1947, Truman specifically called for four hundred million dollars in financial aid to be delivered to Greece and Turkey, both of which he suspected were threatened by a possible communist invasion. Cowie, a well-noted author, considers Truman’s speech to be the trigger for the transition of the Cold War from a temporary state to a permanent quarrel as it directly states America’s aggressive approach towards communist countries.

Congress responded to Truman’s appeal by allocating the required funds along with US troops to administer the reconstruction. In an extract from Truman’s address America’s adoption of the dominant role in the anticommunist conflict is evident.

“The seeds of totalitarian regimes are nurtured by misery and want. They spread and grow in the evil soil of poverty and strife. They reach full growth when the hope of the people for a better life has died. We must keep that hope alive.”

The Marshal Plan was also established upon similar principles. The American Secretary of State George C. Marshal produced the Marshal Plan, or European Recovery Program in 1947, aspiring towards the rehabilitation of European nations devastated by the war. Highly regarded authors, Theodore Wilson,

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