
American Beliefs and Values

Decent Essays


There are some ideals and values rooted in the country’s history and spread by media (films, TV) that many Americans share.

1. Individualism – has strong roots in America. Individualism is understood not only as self reliance but also as economic self-sufficiency. It has been a central theme in American history. Many years ago most Americans were farmers whose success depended not on cooperation with others but on their ability to confront the hardships of land and climate on their own. Success was measured by individual resourcefulness. The idealization of the self-reliant individual translated itself into the celebration of the small businessman who became a financial success on his own. 2. …show more content…

Growing up is getting difficult, finding a lucrative job is difficult, may be there is comfort in believing that it is OK to remain a kid with a baseball cap turned backwards forever. Many people see the Downshifting as a threat since it undermines the American society traditionally based on the preaching hard work, winning and achieving.

In the 21st century the mainstream values which had held the society together seems to be collapsing and no unifying system of belief emerged as an alternative.

Questions for discussing

To what extent can the values presented in the text also be found in your country ?
What is your personal attitude towards them ?


American popular culture is dominant in the world – it is a fact. You man easily find a person who has never heard about Shakespeare but you will have difficulty finding a person who’s not heard about Batman or Spider Man. American pop-culture is so powerful, intrusive and attractive ! Around the world people hum American tunes, line up for American films and enjoy American TV shows. The latest Hollywood action flick make them pack the movie-theatres to the capacity in France, American rock bands or rap singers bring them to their feet in Japan and kids from England to South Africa love characters from the Disney TV series and films.
The statistics make it clear: 8 out of 10 films currently

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