
American Citizen Participation

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As an american citizen there are certain responsibilities politically at least, that they need to follow.

First as an American citizen you need to support and defend the constitution, this entails following the constitution to the best of your known abilities and judging situations based on upon it.
Stay informed of the issues affecting your community. This responsibility is subject to change for every person, just based off the fact that everybody has a different community and their respective issues. This responsibility is pertinent in everyday life and most people obey this follow this without knowing it as a civil responsibility.
Participate in the democratic process. This process involves voting on all different levels whether it be state, local, or presidential. The democratic process is the way we make things happen. As American citizens we make the "of the people" …show more content…

There are three main reasons for this growth in participation. The first reason is accurate representation. What this means is now that there were equal voting rights for everybody, the elections were swayed due to the actual representation of the population of the United States. The second reason was the due to the media and the popularization of these movements. Many citizens that were not aware or not involved in the civil rights movement were then personally moved from seeing what happened and became more politically present. The third reason for the increase in political participation was from the growing community of previous minorities. What this means is that for example, before these movements, African American citizens were not allowed to run for office and were usually scared or physically turned away when trying to participate in anything involving the government. After the fact, African Americans were allowed to, which caused a new population to become involved in the

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