Culture, our heritage, our beliefs, our individuality. Growing up our culture has impacted us in a big way. As a child we often feel uncomfortable in our skin, we want to blend in with everyone else, we hide our culture and ethnicity, our roots, to satisfy others. However, the older we get the more comfortable we become in our skin, the more we want to stand out in the crowd, and we learn to become proud and confident in our culture. Culture has that amazing impact on us. Culture influences us in different ways. Culture also provides us with experiences we look back to, experiences that change us, and experiences that make us question. Culture a little part of us, with a big impact.
We are constantly being influenced by our society and media. To the
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As a kid, we are often told “being different is okay”, as a kid we were often told that our differences are are what makes up special. That thought has really shaped my mind to believe that our differences should be celebrated and as we grow older we become more confident in our skin. American beliefs have also taught me that hard work is admired and that you have a voice and an opinion that should be heard. However, American culture has not always influenced my mind in a positive way. American mainstream pop music revolves around dating, drugs, money, etc. This has made me believe that drugs and alcohol make you cool and the “life of the party”, dating determines your social status and your “popularity”, and that money is equivalent to happiness. Materialistic items are praised by the public and brands define who you are as a person. There are ups and downs in every culture, especially American culture, and our culture continues to influence us by our society and media. Cultures, our traditions, foods, and beliefs, passed on from our ancestors create experiences for us that mold us into the people we are today. In some cultures we
American culture is a nontraditional and individualism culture. Americans are open to new principles, ideas, and practices. Many Americans are also more concerned about themselves and their immediate family and friends. Music and television exhibit aspects of both the nontraditional and individualism culture. The focus of American culture is technology, consumers, capitalism, sports, and politics. Almost everything in America revolves around technology, such as cell phones, computers, TV, social media, video games, etc. Money seems to play a major role. Wealth is an achievement everyone wants to have, living the American dream is getting rich. Advertisements constantly convince consumers to buy products (even products they don’t necessarily
Culture is an intermingling mesh of traits that, although unique to each person, brings groups of people together. It is comprised of numerous different aspects that are passed down through generations, including religion, food, clothing, language, music, morals, and greetings. Because of its extensive range, it is easy to see how much culture impacts a person’s life. One’s culture vastly affects how he or she views the world due to ingrained traditions, stereotypes, and values within his or her heritage.
People have the ability to change their culture or take it at face value and follow it without much change. Culture is also influenced, by society, people that follow it, and the values people have learned and follow.
Culture plays an very important part in everyone’s life, it’s what makes unique and interesting individuals.. It has shaped my identity, and without it I wouldn’t be the person I am today.
Cultures are extremely important, and everyone is part of one. You often hear this word at home, in the news, or at school. Culture is something that defines you. Furthermore, culture is something that can describe you. It is what makes you similar to some people, and what can make you drastically different from others.
Culture has an impact on how people view the world and others. Culture creates a society, people grow up in it, then eventually it influences their thoughts and/or beliefs.
Think about what we’ve studied in ENGG 1100. What are some things Americans values in their culture? Why?
I agree with you about the change in the culture. I think that many people left agriculture and moved into urban areas because of the lack of work on the farm. This was blamed on the falling off of agriculture products being sent to Europe after the war. The people moved into the urban areas and the American industrial economy was booming and the people had money like they never had in the past. So the culture of these people changed and they became buyers of the new products that were invented. Because they had money to spend, their lives
Culture is like the gentle, cool breeze that sweeps about the smoldering summer air to the delight of all, but misconceived by many of in its origin and purpose. Many wipe the sweat from their brow yet covet the whirls of natural coolant produced by the Earth, ignorant to the fact that these phenomenon work in conjunction and would be better together. In the same way, many countries, especially America, boast of their nations vast diversity and wealth of material items, but are not aware of the etiology of said objects. Japan is a nation of knowledge, mystery, and music that the common American does not know very much about.
The moment I wake up in the morning thinking that my day would be exactly as I expect it, shaped of beliefs, values, morals, and the views on diversity, means that it would be a great day. However, I can’t only thank these sources for whom I am, my own personal experiences and feelings have had a huge impact on my cultural views. I’m a sport loving player, who was raised in a small town in Cuba, Pinar Del Rio. In 2009, I completed my journey from my home country, to the land of freedom “United States”, but it has always been of major importance to not forget my roots, and to remember my cultural heritance. And like any other immigrant, it is very important to assimilate and try to fit in the American culture.
Some common features of North American Indian culture are the food eaten, the clothes worn, the ideas worshipped and the outlook on life. Native American’s from this time period hunted for their food, so, they wouldn’t have varied too much in their diets. Also, in this time period, the Native Americans were considered family to each other, so the style of clothes they wore would’ve been similar to one another. Another thing that made their culture similar was their outlook on life. When researching their culture, I was brought to a handful of websites that told about their beliefs and how they celebrated their Gods.
My birth parents separated when I was too young to remember. Growing up, I never knew my father, but was always told of his shortcomings. Both my parents were born and raised in two Nebraska towns not even a mile apart. My father met my mother while he was home on leave from the Marine Corp. I figured they both wanted to escape the familiar monotony of the heartland, so they ran off to California and eloped. I was born shortly after on June 13, 1985 at Tri City Hospital in Oceanside, California. From what I could find, I am mostly German descent from both sides of my family. My mother’s side descended from prominently Volga Lutherans, while my father’s side is the more traditional Rhineland Germans. Most of Nebraska’s culture is heavily German
Culture is the totality of learned, socially transmitted customs, knowledge, material objects, and behavior. It includes ideas, values, and artifacts of groups of people (Schaefer, 2006). Understanding culture can be tricky, ever ask “why do people act the way they do?”, “what made me do that”, “what was I thinking?” Physical abilities, educational background, and social background of how I was raised are important aspects of my life. The environment in which I was raised is very important aspect of my life.
Culture is a key aspect of a human that reflects on their lifestyle, family, traditions and pulls together the external influences that play a role in how one chooses to live their life. For me, culture is something you collect throughout your lifetime. In my lifetime, I have been lucky enough to travel outside of the United States and meet people from all over the world. I have seen how people go about their daily routines in many different ways compared to mine. The main cultural influence that has been present in my life since day one is the closeness of my family. All my cousins are very close it has often odd when I hear about families with weak relationships and small size. Another influence that has shaped my behavior was my exposure of extreme poverty and extreme wealth while living in Mexico. Lastly, a cultural influence that has shaped my belief system is my education.
The United States of America being the third largest country in the world with more than 315 million inhabitants, consists of multicultural societies with ethnically diverse population. Since there are a lot of foreigners, the US culture has evolved in such a way accepting and tolerating other foreign cultures. US is very much influenced by protestant work ethics according to which people believe in themselves and their efforts to attain the goal of self-actualization and success. The rich diversity in the culture brought by foreigners, prevailing values of protestant ethics, hard work etc. have helped US to emerge as a superpower in the past years. Nearly every religion had its impact on US culture in one way or the other. The