
American Dream Vs Urban Anthropology

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I interviewed my older brother, Brandon Mathura. As a 21 year old, he is new to the “real world.” Similarly to my previous interviewee, Brandon was born into the American Dream. Overall, his definition of the American Dream is having a lot of success and having opportunities. However, he believes that you can receive similar opportunities in other parts of the world. According to Brandon, the American Dream “is a standard in society.” In his American Dream, he is willing to work hard in order to become successful, retire and live down South or live in the city. His experiences such as working and taking an urban anthropology class has shaped his views on society and the American Dream. Brandon believes that he is slowly transitioning into a rugged individual. Something that stood out to me the most was how his thinking changed over time and his connection to anthropology. His point about “achieving the American Dream elsewhere such as the United Kingdom,” pushed me to think beyond the American Dream. Bri: What have you been taught about the American Dream by mom and dad? When you were younger. Brandon: Well for one , I don’t know if my view of the American Dream.. The change that I had to deal with …show more content…

Well right now I am studying about what had happened in Harlem. I guess the definition of poverty for me… before it was just about being poor, but as I started to indulge myself into the actual subject I started to realize that poverty is not just about being poor. I think that more or less, it is more of the culture of poverty that we focus on rather than the actual definition. And I think poverty to me is not just being poor, but it’s living in a condition that is not middle class or being below middle class, not holding a “white collared job.” In some places you can argue that minimum wage is a form of

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