
American Honey Bees

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Someone considers them dangerous because they use the sting as an extreme defense gesture that costs them their lives. Someone, confusing them with the wasps, considers them harmful, believing that they can ruin fruits with the jaws. Instead, bees are very important for the entire ecosystem and for the human economy.

This genus of the Apidae family carries out an important work of pollinating a large variety of plants, providing a great deal of food to man and other animals. Their function as a pollinator is also fundamental in the agricultural sector so that many farmers require beekeepers to place beehives during the flowering period, for example in Italy for almonds in the Sicily region and apples in the Trentino Alto Adige region.

The best-known product is honey, yet the beekeeping sector is much wider and represents a relevant part of European agriculture. The other bees products we can find on the market are wax, propolis, royal jelly, pollen, and even poison that is used in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. There is also an internal market for buying bees, queen bees, hives, and specific equipment. All these products generate revenue that guarantees economic benefits to a portion of agriculture. …show more content…

We know that European honey bee is subject to diseases, parasites, and predators coming from Asia and Africa and it is unable to control it by itself. In these cases, the beekeeper developed a sort of symbiosis with the bees, taking some products and in return ensuring the survival of the colonies, controlling diseases, parasitic infestations, and providing nourishment during bad seasons where there is

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