
American Ideals Of Patriotism And Unity

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In the midst of the Space Race, Cold War, and Vietnam War people hoped that the 1960’s would bring a more optimistic time in America. The 1950’s drained America’s resources, from funding wars, containing communism, preventing inflation, competing for technological advancements, and trying to deal with the civil rights movement. Economically, politically and socially, America had enough on its plate. The 1960’s brought the election of President Kennedy was a light at the end of the tunnel. He brought aspirations of change, aimed to fight inequality, overcome injustice and help America get back on its feet. In spite of that, only a year into Kennedy’s term, major steel corporations went against the president 's requests for stable prices and drastically increased prices by 3.5 percent. Immediately President Kennedy addressed steel corporation CEOs and updated Americans about what happened and how it was not in public interest. With finesse he maneuvered through the topic, Kennedy flawlessly executed an us vs them argument while maintaining the American ideals of patriotism and unity. In “JFK Steel Speech”, President John F. Kennedy used pathos, logos and ethos to urge steel corporations to lower their prices by making American realize the steel corporation’s selfish acts and enraging Americans against the them.
The Steel Speech by President John F Kennedy was about the steel crisis of 1962. On April 10th, a few major steel corporations inflated steel prices by almost 6 dollars

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