
American Identity

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Is the American Identity still alive? Has it died? The issue concerning the American identity is has it died. Many claim that new cultures, new races, and new traditions have degraded the American identity. Although some people that the American identity has been lost because of new cultures and traditions, the American identity is still alive because those factors have not changed any original American traditions or the way they are celebrated. Many people claim that the has been lost because there have been new people that come in with different cultures and have different traditions. New traditions such as Cinco de Mayo which is a Mexican tradition is believed to have an impact on the American identity. Many new traditions have been …show more content…

Also part of someone’s identity is their personality. America is well known for being a welcoming place. Being known as a welcoming place is part of someone’s identity. The American identity is still alive, it is known for welcoming people and making them feel comfortable and making them feel at home. The American identity has not been degraded because America is still the welcoming country. The identity has not been degraded by any new culture or tradition. The American identity is still alive because America is known for being a place that is ruled by the people and has made a dream for everybody. Additionally, America is also known for being a free place. It is known that everyone must be treated equally and have their own rights. For example, part of the American identity is being known for practicing democracy. People being free, having their rights protected, and having equal treatment is what makes up the American identity. Those three factors are still going on meaning that the American identity is still alive and nothing has changed it at all. Another reason why the American identity is still alive because part of someone’s identity is again being know for something or influencing something. Another example, is that many people have immigrated to the United States for the American dream. That is a huge contributor to the American identity because it has influenced many people to come. The American dream is still alive so the American identity is still

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