
American Liberalism

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Amid the Bush years, liberalism was pummeled and sidelined. After a procession of lackluster candidates, such as Al Gore, Howard Dean and John Kerry, the thought of a Democrat that could successfully lead a liberal renaissance was a preposterous notion. At the same time, signs of a rebirth could be seen. In Washington, well off liberals started financing progressive ventures and perfecting social media organizing. It appeared to be the coming of the renaissance. Then came 2008, the most extraordinary election in recent memory.
A large number of liberals were enchanted by a candidate who epitomized how they would have preferred to see themselves: youthful, multiethnic, savvy, poised and educated. This was liberalism for the twenty-first century. Obama made …show more content…

For some time, it appeared like that liberal hope would be satisfied in his administration.
Obama had a breathtaking string of authoritative victories for liberalism, beginning with the Fair Pay Act and proceeding through the signing of Obamacare in 2010. Then came the 2010 race that swept in Republicans control of Congress that began to impede any and all Obama policies and continues today.
After all that, what's most shocking about the condition of American liberals today is their pragmatism and solidarity, formally attributes of the conservatives. Some liberals say Obama has been too pragmatic and compromising as a Democrat. But perhaps there was a method to his madness as it has caused absolute upheaval in the Republican party, so much so they have selected a candidate that most conservative establishment figures despise. The Republican party is on its last leg. The greatest impact of the Obama administration might be the setting of the foundations for a cutting edge and tempered

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