
American Propaganda

Decent Essays

Propaganda is information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view. It can be of a positive or negative nature, but its overall aim is to influence those viewing it and hopefully persuade them to share the propaganda’s creator’s point of view. When America joined the War in 1941, after remaining neutral and determined not to get involved for two years, a great amount of propaganda was produced and displayed to the American citizens. This propaganda was produced in many different forms, one of which was using American companies’ advertisements. Although this may seem unnecessary as there were many other media forms that were also used, advertisements were a very big and important form for …show more content…

It may have been used to remind and reinforce who the enemy was, and to paint them in an even worse light (as done to Hitler and the Nazis in sources A, C, and D, and to the Japanese in sources D and E). It may have been used to establish and remind who the allies were and to make the Americans feel confident about their battle by seeing happy soldiers with many different countries on their side (as seen in the Coca-Cola adverts sources B and F). Such ‘positive’ forms of propaganda may have also aided and contributed to making men want to enlist, by viewing the war as a winning battle, and seeing it as happy soldiers enjoying themselves. Propaganda may also have been used to remind people of the violence and harshness of the war and almost to instil fear in the citizens (as in sources A and E). All of these methods of propaganda are very different, but all at least did the same thing – they all promoted and heightened patriotism as well as nationalism, which led to a greater will to win from the Americans , helped to bring America together whether the people were brave or afraid, and influenced the citizens to view the enemies as the greatest evil and America as the future winners. As there were so many different companies’ adverts to be used as propaganda it meant that so many different forms of propaganda could be spread through this one medium, making it even more …show more content…

This shows us that advertisements being used as forms of propaganda were being produced for essentially the entire duration of America’s participation in the War, which tells us that it was an important form of propaganda. This meant that America felt that propaganda needed to be produced and spread as soon as possible and advertisements of different companies were one of the first forms of media to be used do so. And by using adverts, they could use both images and written words to influence people. Using emotive language would have been very effective in persuading and influencing others, and an image literally paints a picture for you to imagine. A picture can have an effect without you putting much effort into observation – just by looking at an image you are taking it in; you do not need to read. And by already creating an image for you, you immediately see what they want you to see, and imagine exactly what they want you to imagine, how they want you to imagine it (for example in source E how you see the evil in the Japanese pilot that they wanted the American citizens to see and ‘know about’ and you see the destruction of the American plane and the pilot, one of their own, falling seemingly lifeless to the ground, which would have immediately hurt and offended the Americans seeing it). Another

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