America’s Green Revolution Bill Nye stated, “Climate change is happening, humans are causing it, and I think this is perhaps the most serious environmental issue facing us.” Humans are not only causing the climate change that Nye mentioned, but are also destroying the environment by wasting resources. The world has a serious problem that, if not dealt with right away, will lead to environmental catastrophe. However some people may ignore this warning from Nye and use the argument that the United States doesn’t need to worry about the environment because more pressing matters exist. In today’s world everyone uses energy and resources to meet their daily needs, but some of it is wasted unintentionally. The American government and its citizens have the responsibility to reduce this waste. The American government should adopt and create energy preserving …show more content…
As more natural resources are being used, the earth takes longer to rejuvenate itself. Friedman indicates, “The world also has a problem; It is getting hot, flat, and crowded” (Source C). A world that is becoming hotter, flatter, and more crowded is hardly a description of a healthy, comfortable environment for future generations. A national and international movement towards a greener future would bring people together and provide a powerful basis for offsetting a hotter, flatter, and more crowded world. Friedman confirms, “America is always at its most powerful and most influential when it is combing innovation and inspiration, wealth-building and dignity-building, the quest for big profits and the tackling of big problems” (Source C). Americans as a people must all work together to create a greener future for the generations to come. The earth’s climate and it’s environment is becoming worse, and without the participation of the American people, these two issues will only increase in
Since the beginning of the Human Race, gathering a sufficient amount of food has always proved to be a challenge. The Green Revolution attempted to solve this problem by creating and applying new techniques and technologies. The Green Revolution was created out of necessity and caused social changes, discontent with some of the effects, and the overall quality of living to be improved but the improvement of living quality had the greatest effect because this led to higher overall populations which in turn created the need to feed an even greater population.
The Green Revolution a period of time that genetically modified crops were engineered, pesticides and fertilizer were created starting in the 1940s ending in the 1960s. This period caused a lot of debate on the Green Revolution some stating it positively affected the world and some stating that it negatively affected the world. The positives of the Green Revolution include increasing yields, increasing profit for farmers, lowering prices for foods which then allows the poor afford the food, and crops can be genetically modified to contain specific vitamin. The Green revolution is negative because it caused an increase in global pollution, chemical pollution, and health risks due to the exposure to the chemical produced during the Green Revolution.
Most farmers, these days, practice modern farming methods under Green Revolution, which is a movement pushed by the government as an alternative solution to traditional agriculture. Its main goal is to make planting and harvesting more effective and efficient, as well as to eliminate hunger all over the world. It originated from manufacturers in the US when they discovered that it is possible to create a fertilizer from petroleum that can be used on crops—the so-called petrochemical fertilizer.
Introduction: The Green Revolution was a research and development initiative aimed to increase the number of crop yields from the years between 1930-1960 and the subsequent years following them which resulted in the adaptation of various technologies leading to the invention of high-yielding varieties of seeds, fertilizers, pesticides and new irrigation methods. It has facilitated socio-economic changes which have helped in preventing natural calamities due to the ever-increasing world population and has provided people with an option of self-sustaining and reduced poverty. The Green Revolution was a joint venture between the Ford Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation while Dr. Norman Borlaug, the father of the Green Revolution has been
What was the “Green Revolution”? What positive and negative consequences did it have? (150 words)
The United States is an ecologically rich and diverse nation. Ever since the United States became a country so many years ago, they have remained one of the places that everyone from all over the world strives to make a living in. But what if in the future the United States couldn't offer people the basic needs of life such as water, food, land, and clean air? Well that harsh reality isn't too far away after all. Due to the increase in land and water usage in the United States it has become a cesspool of urbanization and disease. Because of this the United States is quickly running out of natural resources and shows no sign of stopping. “The US Environmental Protection Agency Resource Conservation website begins: Natural resources and
Sustainability, as it pertains to the environment, seems like an idea that would appeal to everyone. The idea of conserving what we have, reusing what we can, and developing new ways to more efficiently use our planet’s limited recourses just seems like common sense to me. Unfortunately, our representatives in Washington D.C. have used environmentalism as a way to gain votes and divide the electorate. Responsible management of our planet has become as widely debated as gay marriage or religion in the schools. Like most social issues, sustainability has ardent supporters and determined critics.
The United States, as well as all other developed and developing countries, must chose the welfare of the earth over the huge amounts of money to be made by exploiting the earth 's riches. Our great country should become the leader in paving the way for a brighter and safer future for our next generations. The United States should also continue to develop treaties with other major countries such as China, Russia, and Japan to slow the poisoning of the earth 's air and water supply. We must act and invest now in new technologies which assist in detecting and proving theories such as global warming.
Almost everything we see around us, the cloths we wear, the food we eat, the houses we live in, the paper we write on, the vehicles we drive, all need energy to be created or transformed from some natural resource to the final product. There are many ways in which we can reduce the negative impact in which we have on the environment, many of them are low or no cost actions that we can implement on a daily basis. The whole theory of going green is so that we can all put forth an effort to switch to clean renewable energy sources. By purchasing products that can be recycled it show that we are using our money as a voting tool by choosing to do so.
For centuries, the issue of global warming has been a great concern for citizens in all cultures. Many suggest that becoming environmentally aware is the solution to preventing this constant climate change in our environment. However, individuals relentlessly dismiss the issue by being nonchalant and inconsiderate. Furthermore, going green has generated intense controversy: some feel strongly that their individual contribution to society is worthless; while, others firmly advocate that becoming ecologically aware helps prevent possible changes in the atmosphere, resulting from global warming. Certainly, going green can prevent climate change in our environment by conserving energy, by reducing the health risks associated with global
Plug electronics such as the computer, printer, TV, Home Theater system, game systems, or DVD player into a power strip so you can shut them off when they are not in use. It is also a wise idea to use a surge protection network in your home. The network will provide protection for the entire home against power surges and lightning. Our electrical contractors in Mt. Pleasant can provide the expertise required for the installation of a surge protection network.
Over the past several decades, numerous people have expressed that if humanity is to keep its current consumption habits, then it will not be able to sustain itself indefinitely and will vastly accelerate environmental collapse. Consequently, there has been a large effort to become more sustainable, especially in developed countries such as in the United States. According to Paul Ehrlich, the United States comprises only five percent of the world population, yet they consume 24 percent of the world’s energy, being one of the largest consumers of energy by capita. Furthermore, according to the World Population Balance, if everybody in the world consumed as much as the average American, it would take the resources of over five Earths to
Today we face a major threat: global warming. People polluting the air constantly get so blinded by their own greed that they do not tend to realize what they have created. Humans have the biggest contribution to global warming, and the dangers will only get worse if nothing gets done. Our various toxic activities, such as working at power plants, drilling up natural gases and oil, and deforestation all emit greenhouse gases into the air, and because of these omissions large bodies of ice and oceans, the wildlife, and people 's health will continue to get harmed extremely.
Between 1960 and 1980, in what was called The Green Revolution, up-to-date techniques and advanced fertilizers helped many farmers raise production levels. However, according to the article, Global agricultural production has only risen by 2.3 percent since 1961. Of course populations steadily rise, so it is as though we keep taking a step backwards, yet we are not living as meagerly as we did in the past.
The climate crisis is a defining struggle of our age bringing political, economic, religious, and environmental tensions and conflicts to surface. At this moment in history a great transitional worldview needs to take place, but is depressingly out of reach, and humankind seems woefully unprepared/interested to confront monumental challenges and change. The climate change crisis directly affects planetary boundaries, ecological cycles, and limitations on a domestic and international level. It is no secret that anthropogenic motives are causing climate change and harming the planet. Our habitual practices of cutting down forests, dumping pollutants into our waterways, and releasing toxic gases into the air have become a way of life. These practices influence the dominant political-economic system, resulting in environmental justice issues, affecting power dynamics, and ultimately delaying action for systemic shift of worldviews. The climate crisis ties humanity’s fate together like no other challenge. Looking to the future, those in the environmental field, and those who see the urgent need for change have come to the conclusion that only major changes can be accomplished by catastrophic crisis. Climate change poses the greatest threat to human survival the world has seen, yet there is a notion to ignore it.