
America's Slippery Slope Analysis

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America’s Slippery Slope In The War On Terrorism
Terrorism is a word that strikes fear into many hearts, thus causing immediate panic to many. Although, the word terrorism is doesn't have a definite meaning. People often give their own opinion on terrorism. President Obama said, according to an article by Laura Beth Nielsen “What Is terrorism?”, source Al Jazeera, “Anytime bombs are used to target civilians, it is an act of terrorism.”. While so many people get caught up in who president Obama is, many people forget that he is also a human. Just like any other human he has his own opinion and he also makes mistakes. An opinion is a view or judgement formed about something. So this could mean Obama is incorrect in his assumption on the definition of terrorism. Now, that is also my opinion, therefore I could be wrong as well, but what how is anyone supposed to be correct when there is no legitimate interpretation of the word terrorism.
Americas Elephant In The Room Terrorism is another one …show more content…

Terrorism makes people scared and it also makes people panic. How does panic happen? What exactly is panic? What can panic cause? A panic attack can happen very quickly, and have various reasons for the occurrence. Most likely, it happens because of a trigger. Triggers are events or circumstances that make people feel uncomfortable, emotionally distraught. Some people have psychiatric symptoms such as anxiety, panic, despair or negative self talk. The many common triggers are along with examples;
The anniversary dates of losses or trauma. The memorial dates people who have lost their lives in 9/11 for example. (2)Having too much to do, been through too much or seen too much and basically the feeling of being overwhelmed. For example, the feeling some got from watching or hearing the frightening news of the Boston Marathon Bombing, and the 9/11 incident. There was a lot of panic and confusion during both

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