
Amyotophic Lateral Sclerosis Case Study Essay

Decent Essays

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Case Study

On December 1, 2012, a patient by the name of John Dough walks into the medical assistant’s office. The patient is five foot 11 inches tall, currently he is 70 years old and weighs approximately 211 pounds. The patient has no known allergies does not smoke and has a relatively clean health record. After filling out the patient medical history forms, the patient is seen by the doctor. The patient explains to the doctor that lately he has had trouble lifting object he would not normally have trouble with, as well as walking short distances, and being very fatigued. After further examination the patient explains how he recently found a tick on his back and removed it, but now there is a …show more content…

A nerve conduction study measures the bodies electrical energy by assessing the nerves ability to send a signal. And as a final precaution, the physician wants the patient to receive a ‘MRI’ . A ‘MRI’ or magnetic resonance imaging is a non-invasive imaging technique which uses a magnetic field and radio waves to create an image of the brain and spinal cord.

Once the patient received all of his tests he met with his doctor to discuss the results. On the patients ‘EMG’, results showed Abnormal, spontaneous activity,as well as fibrillations and fasciculations in the patient's tongue. An ‘EMG’ is used to investigate possible motor neurone disease and detect widespread denervation and fasciculations. Fasciculations are not under voluntary control, so they can be easily distinguished from voluntary movement. The patient’s ‘MRI’ results showed that the patients corticospinal tracts were suffering from volume loss,as well as iron deposits in the cortex which contributes to signal loss and neurodegenerative diseases. However Both of these features are present in varying degrees in normal patients, so by itself these results wouldn't stand out. But as results from other tests are put together with these results, a diagnosis can become much easier.

“The diagnosis of ALS is based primarily on clinical presentation, with supportive data from electrodiagnostic, imaging, and laboratory studies.” Based off of clinical presentation, ALS can be

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