
An Analysis Of Blue Collar Billiance By Mike Rose

Decent Essays

In the essay “Blue Collar Brilliance” written by Mike Rose, he ponders the meaning of these blue collar jobs, how he views them, as well as how they are viewed by society. Rose recalls memories from his childhood, observing his mother, a waitress, call out abbreviations while hustling around the restaurant to fulfill her duties. In addition at a young age he could recognize that she had a seemingly endless list of responsibilities, along with the requirement of pleasant customer service. By the end of her shift Rose recalls his mother was always intensely fatigued. Developing into a man, he further contemplated what he recalls observing as a young child, what he now recognizes as “the world of adults”. In greater detail he states “A place where competence was synonymous with physical work.” Rose shares that as he matured, he obtained further information regarding the working habits of such “blue collar” workers. Now he recognizes that while seemingly insignificant to many, this fashion of work is very taxing, not only mentally, but physically as well. Rose suggests, though typically, various physical jobs don't require high literacy levels, mental function and an ability to focus and operate in difficult situations are required. To his understanding, this is something regularly slighted. His judgement is notably strong, that everyday work is important to our society as a whole. His perception of this is that those who work in this field should not be devalued because of

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