
An Analysis Of Elie's My God

Decent Essays

Elie saw his friends, family, and other Jews degraded and murdered. Elie writes in this book “My God, to whom I was so devoted, to whom I had so much faith, was also murdered by the Nazis,” Elie evolved from a faithful child to a broken man who Questioned his belief in God. As a 14 year old boy separated from his only home and family and sent to a concentration camp in Birkenau, where his mother and sister were tortured and killed in the fire filled hole.
Elie then was filled with disbelief. “The morning star was shining in the sky I had become a completely different person. The student of the Talmud the child that was, had been consumed in the flames. There remained only a shape that looked like me. A dark flame had entered into my soul and devoured it.” …show more content…

But, as Elie faces each day and witnesses the starvation, the beatings, and murder of innocent people, his faith in God begins to let go of him. By the end, Elie’s faith in God had shattered into a million peices he did not wish to pick up. “If there is a God, how could he allow this to happen,”
“A man with a little stick decides who will live and who will die. This man acts like God. To the right you live, to the left, you die.” As Elie watches the evil that exists it begins to consume his belief in the existence of God. “Where is my God? Where is He?” Elie asks over and over again as he is living under conditions of extreme poverty, freezing winter nights and days, only the little ration of bread and soup, witnessing hangings, beatings, starvation, and torture.
When Elie when returns from work one day he sees three gallows being prepared. The camp had to witness hangings. Among the 3 people who would die that day, one was a young child. Elie watched the boy “struggling between life and

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