
An Analysis Of Helen Keller And Woodrow Wilson

Better Essays

William Kotlinski
Mr. Jacobs
Lies My Teachers Told Me Summaries and Reflection
Chapter One
Throughout history, people have been made into heroes. These heroes are portrayed as perfect or without mistakes. Helen Keller and Woodrow Wilson are two of the heroes who are discussed in the chapter. Helen Keller is famous for being the deaf-blind girl who learned how to read, write, and speak; but not much is known by the public about her political views. Loewen states, “Through research she learned that blindness was not distributed randomly through the population but was concentrated in the lower class,” (pg. 14). Men would become blind in work accidents, while women would become blind from syphilis, by working as a prostitute. In her later years, Helen Keller raised funds for the American Foundation for the Blind. But, Helen Keller was also a radical Socialist and supported Eugene V. Debs as he tried to become President, a fact that would construe Helen poorly, if the fact was widely known, and not as the hero many Americans and people around the world see her as today. The 28th President of the United States, Woodrow Wilson, is shown positively in textbooks, but there are parts of his life that aren’t covered. Loewen writes, “Under Wilson, the United States intervened in Latin America more often than at any other time in our history,” (pg. 16). Wilson is seen in textbooks to remove his troops, but not sending them in, quite

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