
An Analysis Of Jerry Spinelli's 'Maniac Magee'

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In the novel, Maniac Magee written by Jerry Spinelli, Maniac is revealed to be a warmhearted person. Maniac is revealed to be a warmhearted person when he repaired the book with Amanda. A regular person would have said oh I'm sorry then walked away but, Maniac actually tried to fix it himself and failed. So he fixed it with Amanda. Then later in the story Maniac is again shown to be a warmhearted person when he arranged Greysons funeral. The reason that this shows he was a warmhearted person was that he went out of his way to not only attend Greyson's funeral but plan his funeral. That itself shows that he was a warmhearted person. Then when the McNabs have a party Maniac invites MarsBar to the party in order to show both the McNabs and MarsBar

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