
An Analysis Of Painting, Wheel Of Fortune, By Audrey Flack

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An artist Audrey Flack created a painting in 1987, Wheel of Fortune, that is an artwork that puts out the presence of death and tarot cards to create a message of that fate is apart of the cycle of life that is all played out by chance (page 16). The artist attended the Cooper Union to study art and years later she was recruited by an artist. Flack graduated from Yale University, and while attending that university she mainly focused on doing abstract expressionist. Flack was the first to project a photo into a painting called photorealism painting, she started a movement. Other styles of artwork she worked with are graphic realism, new realms, and sculptures. This painting is also referenced as, What Goes Around, as another title for it …show more content…

One of the most important elements in Wheel of Fortune is the combination of horizontal, diagonal, and vertical lines. It is the repetition and combination of the three different types of lines that molds everything in the painting into the pattern of a wheel, a symbolic image of the piece. There is also an important and implied line in the piece that is the line of sight that skull has when looking at itself in the mirror directly across from it. Color is a very important element of design displayed in this painting. There are many different hues of what appears to be different high-key colors in the painting that are used to give it the appearance of reality, and the striking detail that Flack achieved using the colors definitely identifies the artwork as being realistic. The shapes in Wheel of Fortune are mostly organic, as they are mostly rounded, but there are some geometric and rectilinear shapes such as the square dice. It is through the shapes and colors in the painting that realistic textures such as that of the skull's teeth are able to be seen. Many of the principles of design are also seen in Wheel of Fortune. Both variety and unity are displayed; variety in the different objects that are in the "wheel" and unity through the color scheme. Rhythm and direction of the painting are shown in the "wheel", and how the lines move from

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