
An Analysis Of Susan Glaspell 's ' Trifles '

Decent Essays

A Love Gone Bad A woman who was once full of life and happiness is now left with no joy in her life. In the play, “Trifles” by Susan Glaspell, we see how Mrs. Wright has changed over the years. We see how cheerful she was before marrying Mr. Wright. While trying to solve the murder, the author uses symbolism, conflict, and irony. The are many examples of conflict in this play. The most apparent conflict is that between the men and the women in the play. In the first parts of the investigation, the sheriff is already showing his feelings towards women. “Well, can you beat the woman! Held for murder and worryin’ about her preserves” (Glaspell). To Mr. Peters, the concerns of women mean nothing. Even Mr. Hale’s view of the women is crude. “Well, women are used to worrying over trifles” (Glaspell). Mr. Hale even thinks that what the women are worried about isn’t important. The county attorney is also in conflict with the ladies in the story. Mr. Henderson can’t even dry his hands without finding some excuse to talk bad about Mrs. Wright. “Dirty towels” (Glaspell). “Not much of a housekeeper, would you say ladies” (Glaspell). In the eyes of Mr. Henderson, the women are nothing more than housekeepers. Mrs. Hale doesn’t see things the way the men do. “There’s a great deal of work to be done on a farm” (Glaspell). She wasn’t only defending Mrs. Wright when she said this but also defending herself and Mrs. Peters. She knows that the job of a housewife is a lot more than just

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