
An Analysis of Age Requirements for New Jersey: Mandated Insurance Coverage of Assisted Reproductive Technology

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An Analysis of Age Requirements for New Jersey
Mandated Insurance Coverage of Infertility Treatment

An Analysis of Age Requirements for New Jersey
Mandated Insurance Coverage of Assisted Reproductive Technology Over the past decade, advances in assisted reproductive technology (ART) including such procedures as in vitro fertilization (IVF) have reduced the obstacles to conception for women with infertility issues, particularly for women of advanced maternal age. Each state is now facing the dilemma of whether or not to mandate coverage of ART for their constituents. Furthermore, the state must decide what the qualifications for coverage should be if a mandate is to be enacted. RESOLVE, the National Infertility Association, a …show more content…

While this cannot be statistically verified for years to come, women may feel not only that the threat of their inner “time clock” may be eased by assisted reproductive technology, but also that the financial burden of these technologies will be relieved by state-mandated insurance coverage. Due to the availability of insured ART services it may be that in the foreseeable future a whole generation of women may forego natural conception, instead opting to attempt conception on their own schedule rather than under the time constraints of their biological time clock. Another serious impact would be the possibility that the state would be mandating coverage for a treatment that offers minimal success of a live birth while at the same time putting the health of these women at risk. For example, women receiving fertility treatments are at risk for ovarian hyperstimulation, adnexal torsion (ovarian twisting), and increased risk of ovarian cancer (, 2006). In addition, these women are faced with a greater chance of multiple pregnancy, which carries with it its own set of risks to the mother as well as to potential offspring. Also, the risks associated with IVF may outweigh the live birth rate of only 1.9 % to women over the age of 45 who undergo ART (SART, 2003). Furthermore, while women are faced with health risks from infertility treatments, they

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