
An Average Year Of 365 Days Essay

Satisfactory Essays

In an average year of 365 days, there are only 262,800 minutes. In a lifespan of 80 years, there is just over 21 million minutes. That doesn 't seem like a lot, does it? One minute can fly by so fast that we barely even knew it was there. In fact, 262,800 minutes can fly by so fast that we barely remember our year or get anything accomplished. If you would rather make the most of your time, then you need to become more mindful of how you spend your time. Following are some ways to do that.

Focus Less On Time And More Of How You Spend It

Watching the clock is not the same as watching the sun set. Yet, we have clocks, watches, and phones that help us keep track of every moment in our life. We have become obsessed with time, in a way, and that obsession is causing us to be more mindful of time than of what we are actually doing with it.

But, it is still important to get things done in a certain time period. So, we must be mindful of the time to some degree. The best way to stay mindful of time, but really stay mindful of what you are doing in the moment, is to use timers or alarms. Setting a timer helps you to stop looking at the clock and start paying attention to what is going on around you. You can become lost in what you are doing - spending time with family, doing daily tasks for success, cleaning the house, or whatever else, and instead of waiting for the time you have to switch gears and obsessing about it, you can be reminded of it with a simple alarm.

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