
An Organization Called Feed My Starving Children ( Fmsc ) Essay

Decent Essays

While the world produces enough food to feed over seven billion people, more than one-third of it, approximately 1.3 billion tons, is tossed before getting on the dinner table. Although many do not think about the profound effect wasting food has on themselves, numbers of precious children’s lives are taken by severe poverty, and thus lack of food, every year around the world (“Feed”). An organization called “Feed My Starving Children (FMSC)” has been fighting this issue since 1987 in order alleviate hunger in children less fortunate countries. Its efficient global food assistance system, with unique food production, also contributes to American society by providing fantastic volunteer opportunities to raise one’s spirit, making it one of the best humanitarian efforts in the globe.
According to the Millennium Development Goals Report 2015 by United Nations, over 800 million people still live in extreme poverty, surviving on less than $1.90 a day. Over 160 million children under age five years old face growth deficits due to malnutrition (“Millions”) 2015 UNICEF monitoring also indicates that the estimate of mortality for a child under five is 5.9 million, and nearly half of the deaths are reported to link to malnutrition (“Under”). The World Bank Group, The United Nations, UNICEF, WHO, WFP, USAID, and other major international organizations have been striving to provide better living conditions to those in severe circumstances; however, experts predict that there still much

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