
Analysis: Have Phones Destroying My Generation

Decent Essays

Have iPhones Destroyed My Generation? The author states a very clear thesis; she believes iPhones are destroying my generation. I agree with the author in some ways because the facts are stated clearly through the article. Smartphones are changing the attitude of today’s teens. We are becoming more depressed, more sleep deprived, and less social than the generations before us. But I believe smartphones can have some positive uses as well. I am one of those people that does not remember a time without the internet. I was born in 2002. Apple released their first iPhone in 2007. I was 5 years old at the time. I have very vague memories from times before i was 5 years old, such as the time I cut all of my hair off before preschool had started. It was around 2005, only 2 years before the first …show more content…

people can use it to connect across the globe. I know in my case, I use it to connect with my cousin, Allena, who is halfway across the country. She lives in Oklahoma, and I live in Tennessee. We are best friends because we get to stay connected through our smartphones and social media. We talk almost everyday and keep each other updated with our lives. She comes to me with advice and i go to her. Now, it is true that if we didn’t have smartphones, we could mail each other letters, but that takes too much work. We always know we are here for each other because we are only one text away. In conclusion, the author has made some good points, but I would not be so drastic to say they’re destroying us. I believe they can also bring us together. Cellphones can be good or bad, depending on how you use it. If you use it to compare yourself on social media to peoples best days than you will always feel less. But if you use it to connect with people than it can be good. Since this is all I know, I believe smartphones haven’t completely destroyed my

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