
Analysis Of A Perfect Day For Bananafish

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Kashvi Shah Salinger Essay Rough Draft 10-6-17 English 10 P6 In “A Perfect Day for Bananafish” by J.D Salinger, Seymour Glass is depicted as a strange outsider among not only his wife and her family, but also society in general. Seymour has just returned from World War II, and has taken a trip to a resort in Florida with his wife, Muriel. Seymour is mentally unstable and psychologically damaged from the war, and has isolated himself from both adulthood and the world’s cruel society. At the beginning of the story, Muriel is on the phone with her mother, discussing Seymour's erratic behavior. Over the phone, Muriel's mother seems to be concerned more for her daughter's safety rather than the well being of Seymour. As they continue to talk, Muriel places great importance on the latest fashion trends and materialistic items, revealing how she is a self interested socialite with no interest in the wellness of her husband's health. In the second scene, Seymour goes to the beach and sits alone outside of the area reserved for hotel guests. There, he meets a child named Sybil, who helps him to immerse himself into a childlike world and run away from the reality of adulthood. Seymour talks to Sybil about bananafish, and Sybil claims to have see one when the two are playing together in the ocean. After Sybil and Seymour part ways, Seymour returns back to his hotel room where he finds Muriel sleeping, not bothered at all to check on her husband. He sits in the bed next to her, takes

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