
Analysis Of A Room With A View

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In A Room With A View, E.M. Forster contrasts Florence, Italy with the culture of England (specifically the countryside in Sussex, where the Honeychurch family home is located) and extends the title theme of “having a view” both literally and figuratively. The view represents the decent, beautiful things of the world; humanity amongst peers and strangers, general kindness, lack of petty superiority complexes. Being denied a view, or being without one altogether, serves as a representation of the cosmopolitan bias of the high class, which helps to convey the point that what is said is far better than what is meant. Throughout the book, Forster conveys this parallel in many aspects, but three stand out: manners or rules of civility, the caste system and its impact on behavior, and romantic love. In the opening lines of the book, we find Lucy Honeychurch and her chaperone, Charlotte Bartlett, in a Pensione in Florence. To Charlotte’s surprise, the view from their room was not what they had expected as they wanted to see the River Arno. Subsequently, Charlotte’s disappointment of the view led her to complain to Lucy. While Lucy expressed her dislike of the Signora’s cockney accent, she did however, feel positive about, “…all kinds of other things…just outside” (Forster, 1). Miss Bartlett, seemingly oblivious to the incredible treasures of Florence goes on to complain about the food, their accommodations, and the manners of fellow boarders. The narrator describes Mr. Emerson

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