
Analysis Of A Room With A View

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Giles 1 Attie Giles Wendy Shruggs August 9, 2017 A Room with a View A Room with a View depicts the struggle between societal expectations and independence. This book takes place in two different settings, it opens in Italy where Lucy Honeychurch and her cousin Charlotte Bartlett are vacationing. Lucy is a talented Pianist whose passion can be observed by simply watching her play. Lucy is originally from Windy Corner, England where her family owns much real estate. The Honeychurch’s are rather wealthy, and enjoy the luxuries of upper class lifestyle. Charlotte Bartlett is Lucy’s older, poorer cousin. She has never married, and has very old fashioned views for life and people. For Lucy Italy is a chance to gain independence from her boring life in England. Lucy is a product of Upper Class societal constrictions, and as a woman coming to age she wants to free herself from societal expectations. This feeling is expanded upon when she meets George Emerson. George is a quiet, yet thoughtful person. He is melancholy, and struggles to find meaning in daily life. His father, Mr. Emerson, is a kind, yet misunderstood man. He is seen as rude and loud; however, has a great passion for art and beauty. Lucy’s first encounter with the Emerson’s is at the Bertolini pension where her and her cousin are staying. Charlotte, at dinner, complains about the poor view she has in her room. “‘The Signora had no business to do it… she promised us south rooms with a close view together, instead here

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