
Analysis Of Aldous Huxley 's ' Brave New World '

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Stephanie Justice Renee Beitz AP Language 15 June 2015 Panem et Circenses By virtue of his satirical novel, Brave New World, Aldous Huxley flips morals and the world as people know it today backwards, and by doing so, fabricates a dystopia sustained by the existence of unrestrained pleasure. Gratification remains constant throughout society, and any rare instance of discord is easily resolved through the ingestion of the drug soma, which provides a spiritual experience in a tablet. The existence of God is an absent concept unknown to the citizens of the New World, and Henry Ford is proclaimed as the idol that thanks and praise is given to through orgies that replace worship at church. Due to all people being conditioned to worry neither about death nor what comes afterwards, owing to the absence of religion, everybody lives their meaningless lives blissfully ignorant of anything that is more substantial than themselves. Emotional ties between people are nonexistent, significantly because the ideas of humanity being born from women and being taken care of by parents are repulsive, with any terms associated with family considered expletives inbred within savagery. Through Huxley 's interpretation of a world conserved by consistent contentment, he exhibits artificial rapture brought about by bread and circuses, that family would not only put a dent in universal happiness but would also put obstacles in front of the wheels of the world that steadily turn, and that no man in

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