
Analysis Of Arianna's Test Performance And Emotional / Social Status

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Arianna’s test performance and emotional/social status were an area of concern due to a concern with her performance in her math class. Her personality information was gathered from a parent and a student interview, test results, and behavioral observations during the administration of her assessments. Her responses during the interview were that of a typically developing seven years old in the first grade. For example, her responses were clear and she spoke about her experiences with friends and family with passion. Arianna appears to be confident in most situations of the evaluation; for example, when she has a correct answer or she did well on a school assignment she was able to explain the events that took place for each activity. However, when she is unsure of an answer she delays or avoids responding. Arianna’s interpersonal relationships are meaningful and concerning. When she speaks about any of her relationships she smiles and is able to produce detailed information about each of these relationships. She interacts with her classmates on a daily basis during school hours and outside of school. Her relationships with her family members created the same passion and joy as her friends. She especially enjoys communicating with members in her family in one-on-one settings. She understands everyday rules that are explained to her in school and at her home, and she understands the consequences that take place when she does not follow directions. However, occasionally

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