
Analysis Of Arundhati Roy 's ' The God Of Small Things '

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The relationship between language and resistance in Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things, is a site of continuous contest and struggle. Roy assumes a position within Western discourse to communicate her ideas, all the while challenging and rejecting the very structure she inhabits. Through her writing, rather than seeking to enter the canon of postcolonial literature, Roy strives to redefine it. Throughout the narrative, she subverts the rules and boundaries of language, internally pursuing a desire to resist both her colonial inheritance and the systematic oppression of Indian society. She fashions a language of energy and oppositionality to the colonial legacy through a construction and critique of the text’s cultural and imperial inheritance. Through language, Roy finds ways to resist any dichotomy that posits a correct way of being by writing to both counter her native culture and also to honour it. This essay will discuss how Roy manipulates the colonial language into a tool of resistance from the colonial language through her acceptance, subversion and subjugation of India’s imperial inheritance.

Roy is very aware that the language of the coloniser is what unites India. Throughout the novel, Roy is faced with the dilemma of defending the value of her native culture against the universality of the English language. Critics have consistently articulated that language is an active site of conflict in post-colonial discourse. Literary theorist Bill Ashcroft argues

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