
Analysis Of Benjamin And Plato 's Apology

Decent Essays

It is arguable that anything and everything can be critiqued and protested. Anything that involves critical reasoning or analysis can fall under this discourse. To dissect and restructure a debatable topic is much more than just arguing about it, there must be a well thought out discourse that convinces the audiences to their specific view point. This is where logo, ethos, and pathos take center stage in a discussion, which essential evolves it into a term of rhetoric. The combinations of those three modes of persuasion really make or break any kind of protest or critique. Within the passages of the book of Amos and Plato’s Apology, both hold those main three concepts within their rhetoric. Regardless of the subject, time period, or religious view, having those three components is what makes and supports a good healthy discussion, which, in my eyes, effectively appeals to the audience and creates changes. This is why the protest and critique of each of those individuals was so powerful and impactful. To elaborate how these main points make an effective protest I will begin with explaining each of the points and provide examples using the prophets and Plato’s rhetoric. First off we have ethos, which provides authoritative credibility and appeals to ethics. As stated above anyone can make an argument and protest what they personally think is wrong, but at the end of the day the real question lies in, who they are to make such claims. Plato already had the status of being a

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